Looking for a game that everyone can enjoy? Introducing FamilyStars, the newest addition to the Photomyne family of apps. There’s no need to wait for the next gathering or reunion to talk about. FamilyStars is your chance to dig up all those memories shared between family and friends and bring them back into your life as sentimental stories.

As we’ve slowly adjusted to a new reality with smaller gatherings, less travel, and more distance between us, FamilyTime is here to help bridge that gap so we can stay connected through the moments that brought us together and have a laugh (or even a cry) over our lives together.

Challenge your loved ones

Getting started with FamilyStars is easy. All you have to do is select a challenge and invite your loved ones. Each challenge prompts invitees to add photos and memories of their own for the designated topic.

Choose a challenge from within one of the categories. Choose a challenge from within one of the categories.

We’ve given you some preset challenges such as identifying your oldest family photo, reminiscing on a favorite vacation, sharing your most embarrassing photo, and even sharing your favorite family recipes. Don’t worry if you can’t find a specific challenge. You can always create your own.

Time-traveling results

Once everyone’s submitted their photos and anecdotes, the app will automatically create a photo story so you can flip through everyone’s submissions and remember all of the good times. Every participant will receive a link to view the story even if they don’t have the app.

Right: How a finished challenge appears from within the app. Left: viewing your story Right: How a finished challenge appears from within the app. Left: viewing your story

Don’t stop there! Keep challenging your family and friends so the jokes, food, memories, and moments that have kept you close can all live together for the next time you need a smile.

Challenge away!