Guinness Gets Going & Playground Pals
Time's been around a while. Let's enjoy the captured memories left behind.
On this day
'Guinness Book of World Records' hits shelves
When you need to know the largest burger or the tallest man alive, there's only one place to go. The Guinness Book of World Records was first published on this day in 1955.
Photo source: Guinness Book of Records
Photomyne user photo
Hard day's work
All I know is that this picture is of my grandfather Dick Guerdan (in the white shirt). He was an electrical engineer for Westinghouse, and the photo's caption says, “MA7 Test Floor East Pittsburgh.” I love this app. I scanned all of these old photos for my family and my dad's sisters after my father passed away.
Photo source: Tracy Deen
The way we were
Make every day Earth Day
It's nothing new. Why not give back to our great Earth and keep it clean? A little recycling goes a long way.
Photo source: Flickr
Blast from the past
Hoop dreams
Too many men--excuse me-- boys on the court. They certainly play by different rules on the playground. With a little coaching, it might be a different story.
Photo source: Flickr
We'll be back tomorrow. See you then :-)