Computer Courses & Coconut Crazies
Don't tell me your memories ain't got no heart. You've just got to poke around and they'll come rushing back.
From our Facebook
Straight from the source
Who needs a glass when you can drink coconut milk right off the tree?
Photo source: Flickr
Blast from the past
Computer training class
Desktop monitors sure don't look like they used to. Anyone for a floppy disk drive?
Photo source: Flickr
Trivia question of the day
Clash of categories
On this day in 1963, Martin Luther King delivered his 'I Have a Dream' speech. Do you know the full name of the event?
Photo source: Flickr
The way we were
Roadside souvenirs
Did you really travel if you don't bring back souvenirs? The best finds always come from the most unassuming places.
Photo source: Flickr
The trivia answer is the "March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom."
We'll be back Monday. Have a great weekend :-)