Smiling Soldiers & Film Firsts
There's no news here, just unfiltered delights from the past.
Blast from the past
Open mic night
Finding a smile during war is no easy task. With a moment away from the front lines, anyone can become Bob Hope with a little courage and time.
Photo source: Flickr
Subscriber suggestion corner
Cuteness squared
Some situations are just too cute for our eyes.
Photo source: Flickr
On this day
Picture in motion
Thomas Edison would be quite surprised to see the differences since he debuted the first motion picture on this day in 1889 and today. From the first picture with sound (The Jazz Singer, released on this day in 1927) to drive-in theaters and eventually IMAX theaters, he wouldn't know what hit him.
Photo source: Flickr
The way we were
Meet my mule
On the road less traveled, a mule makes for the perfect companion.
Photo source: Flickr
We'll be back tomorrow. See you then :-)