Balloons, Boats, & Bye Bye Beer
Looking back doesn't have to be scary when the right photograph is in your hands.
On this day
Alcohol takes a timeout
With the passing of the Volstead Act on this day in 1919, the Prohibition era officially set in for the United States.
Photo source: Flickr
Blast from the past
What canoe you do?
Getting around the Polynesian islands is a lot easier with the right boat. As these kids know, an outrigger is a perfect way to paddle through the Cook Islands.
Photo source: Flickr
Things we Slacked
Wearwolves in websites
Web design has taken quite a leep over the last 30 years. How To Geek showed off exactly how far we've come with a look at these 90s and 00s Halloween websites from the GeoCities archives.
Photo source: Flickr
The way we were
Flight alternatives
Why take a car or a plane when you can hop a ride in a hot air balloon from place to place?
Photo source: Flickr
We'll be back tomorrow. See you then :-)