Posing With Pineapples & Pre-Marvel Powers
We know you've got somewhere to go, but for the moment make yourself at home in the past and stay with us.
On this day
Steve Austin comes to life
Superheroes are all the rage now, but would they stand up to Steve Austin? An instant pop-culture sensation, The Six Million Dollar Man premiered on this day in 1974.
Photo source: Wikimedia Commons
Photomyne user photo
Starting school
"The boy in the picture is 4-year old me in 1983, the day I started going to nursery school - my first day of school ever. At the time I lived in Rome, Italy - where I was born. You also have a marble grit flooring, typical in Italian housing in the ‘60s, and a Telefunken Palcolor TV, our first colour TV. The doll belonged to my mum, who took the picture."
Photo source: Photomyne user Mirko Grewing
Blast from the past
Kodachrome film
A staple of Kodak's dominance in the film industry, Kodachrome lived a long life from its introduction in 1935. With no memory chip or USB, however, it was discontinued in 2010.
Photo source: Creative Commons
B&W colorization
One big berry
Did you know that pineapples are not pines nor apples but berries? That's right, it's actually a collection of individual berries on a stalk (the pineapple's core).
Photo source: Flickr
We'll be back tomorrow. See you then :-)