Monkeys, Math & Miss Scandinavia
Instead of an occasional peek, commit to the bit and give your mind the nostalgic refresher you deserve.
The way we were
Problem child
If only math knew how to solve its own problems, children would be free from the shackles of homework.
Photo source: Wikimedia Commons
Photomyne user photo
Piled high
"This is me and my two girls playing in the leaves at my parents’ house in 1992."
Photo source: Photomyne user Cindy Holden Davenport
Blast from the past
We have a winner!
The winner and runners up of Miss Scandanavia 1966 sure do embody the title 'beauty queens.'
Photo source: Wikimedia Commons
From our Instagram
Horsin' around
More like monkeying around. Look closely and you'll find some next-level cuteness.
Photo source: Wikimedia Commons
We'll be back tomorrow. See you then :-)