Musical Teachers & Nap-time Features
Everything is a-ok when reveling in the pure awesomeness of the past.
Blast from the past
Catching air
Put on your game face and get ready to rumble. We're going sledding.
Photo source: Flickr
Family flashback
Dozing days
All that strollering around sure does tucker you out. Thankfully, it's also a built-in bed for on-the-go nap emergencies.
Photo source: Flickr
The way we were
The next Lawrence Welk
Where can we sign up for our accordion lessons?
Photo source: Flickr
Photomyne user photo
Smile wide
"My parents put out a Christmas photo card every year for over 40 years. Recently, my uncle sent me my grandmother's pictures and many of the Christmas cards were included. In the picture are my parents, Patti and Jim Higginbottom along with my siblings - Abbie (20), Joelen (19), Bradlaugh (18), Jim (12), me (10), and our poodle Holly. These cards are such an amazing chronicle of my family and every time I post a few more on Facebook there are hundreds of people who remember getting our family card every year and love to see them again. I’m hoping to find a complete set by the time I’m done scanning them all with the help of Photomyne."
Photo source: Photomyne user Nancy Higginbottom
We'll be back tomorrow. See you then :-)