High Horses & Humbled Helicopters
If you find a photo that helps your mind, don't let that moment go and you won't be alone.
Blast from the past
On patrol
The street beat is a whole other world on horseback.
Photo source: Flickr
The way we were
Chopper curiosity
It's not every day that a helicopter lands in your neighbor's front yard. No wonder all eyes are on the flying machine.
Photo source: Flickr
From our Twitter
A walk down the runway
The fashion show cannot go on until the balloon gals make their grand entrance and work the runway,
Photo source: Flickr
Photomyne user photo
Cake mates
"This is a picture of my Auntie, Karen Madden, on her 8th birthday. Karen is in the middle holding her birthday cake. With her are friends Patty Barreth on the left and Judy DeBennetti on the right. Behind the camera was either her proud father Frank or her mom Myrtle."
Photo source: Photomyne user Amy Whitten
We'll be back tomorrow. See you then :-)