Vivid Valentines & Lifelong Love
Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to express our love for that special someone, or anyone we truly love. Whether with chocolate, flowers, an old photo, or a surprising phone call in the middle of the day – let’s make sure they know how much we care about them.
Blast from the past
Happily ever after
Some love stories never end, and we write a new chapter together every year.
Photo source: Flickr (1957)
The way we were
My one and only
“I believe in the immeasurable power of love; that true love can endure any circumstance and reach across any distance.” - Steve Maraboli
Photo source: National Archives (1991)
Subscriber suggestion corner
Will you be my valentine?
The most thrilling part of any love story is the very beginning.
Photo source: Library of Congress (1943)
Photomyne user photo
A match made in heaven
“I found this photo of my grandma and grandpa Frevert’s after my grandma had passed away. It was taken on their wedding day on December 11, 1949, in Nebraska.”
Photo source: Photomyne user Marla Miller
We'll be back tomorrow. See you then! :-)