November 19, 2017
Here’s another curated collection of photo memories, all explicitly shared by people around the world using the apps by Photomyne

Tolles family. USA 1935

Houston and Naomi Baldridge with Hugh and Paulette. California, USA 1948

Essa foto é a sequência da anterior. Tenho fotos da minha infância, pois era tradição irmos ao fotógrafo 1 vez ao ano, devidamente paramentada. Muito fofa . Meus pais e minha irmã (I have photos of my childhood, because it was tradition to go to the photographer once a year, properly dressed. Very cute . My parents and my sister). Brazil 1963

Familjen Johansonn (The Johansonn family). Sweden 1970

Io e la mia famiglia (me and my family). Italy 1972